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Quality and Inspection

Gerard EMG is is focused on stocking and delivering quality components to our customers.  This is accomplished through our investments in technologies, training and the adoption of industry standards .


Our quality system and processes are built around our comprehensive ERP software.  This software allows each department to follow and document each order to the IDEA-1010 Standards.

Quality and Inspection

Gerard EMG's Quality team members are highly trained, technical and objective in discovering typically undetectable product quality flaws during our multi-stage inspection process. 

3rd Party Testing Services

Gerard EMG partners with the leading test houses in regions where our customers operate.  This allows us to work with our customers and the test houses that they have approved, to make the process of delivering quality components seamlessly and efficiently.  Here is a sample of the testing that we are able to support:

  • AS6081 Testing

  • Authentication Testing

  • Visual Inspection

  • De-cap

  • Heated Chemical

  • XRF

  • X-ray Analysis

  • Electrical Testing

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